Below is a listing of offices and their contact information:
Village of Ansley
Utilities Department
Electric – Water – Sewer
Village Clerk’s Office & Shop
217 Nile Street
Ansley Municipal Auditorium
720 Douglas Street
Call Clerk’s Office (308-935-1467) to book reservations
Ansley Park
Fishing – Picnic Shelter – Camper Sites
Call Clerk’s Office (308-935-1467) to book reservations
Emergencies – Dial 911
Ansley Swimming Pool
409 Nile Street
Ansley Post Office
806 Main Street
Ansley Housing Authority
Husker Homes
Ansley Public School District #44
1124 Cameron Street
Ansley Fire Protection District
Volunteer Fire & Rescue Unit
Ansley Area Community Foundation
Endowment Fund
Pass-Through Fund
Donate Here:
State of Nebraska
Department of Roads
406 Division Street
Ansley Township Library
Linda Smith – Librarian – 308-935-1339
Hrs – Tues. & Sat. afternoons 2-5p.m.
Ansley Township Cemetery
Gail Reed – 308-935-1517
Village of Ansley Trash Service
217 Nile Street
Call 308-935-1400 or 308-935-1467

The Village of Ansley will accept bids from eligible parties to lease/rent the rights to 35.4 certified irrigated acres located in the SW¼ of Section 9, Township 15 North, Range 18W in Custer County, Nebraska. Bidders will be responsible for verifying with the LLNRD that they are an eligible recipient, the number of acres they would be eligible to receive under a variance agreement, and must submit LLNRD verification approval with the bid. The successful bidder(s) must be willing to enter into a five (5) year lease agreement with the Village of Ansley outlining terms of the lease and reimburse the Village for the $300 LLNRD document filing fee. Sealed bids will be received until 5:00 p.m. on March 4, 2022, at the Village of Ansley, 217 Nile Street, PO Box 307, Ansley, NE 68814 OR emailed to: Bids will be opened and read at the regular meeting of the Ansley Board of Trustees on March 7, 2022. The Village of Ansley reserves the right to reject any and all bids.