Village of Ansley
Michelle M. Nelson, Village Clerk
Post Office Box 307
Phone: 308-935-1467
Fax: 308-935-9105
The Ansley Village Board Health/Safety Committee is actively working to enforce Village Ordinance 133.41 (Unlicensed/Inoperable Vehicles). This ordinance states: No person in charge or control of any property within the village, other than village property, whether as owner, tenant, occupant, lessee, or otherwise, shall allow any partially dismantled, inoperable, wrecked, junked, or discarded vehicle to remain on that property longer than 30 days.
A drive around the Ansley city limits shows us there are a large number of these unlicensed/inoperable vehicles in town. In an effort to eliminate these vehicles, the Health/Safety committee is contacting those residents who currently have unlicensed/inoperable vehicles on their properties.
Residents will be given a list of vehicles on their property that appear to be unlicensed/inoperable. There will be 2 options to comply with Ordinance 133.41. Residents will be allowed 14 days to comply with the Ordinance.
- License the vehicle/s
- Remove the vehicle/s from the property. They must be moved outside of the Ansley city limits. If you require assistance in moving these vehicles, you may contact Hunter’s Towing in Berwyn at 308-870-1983.
Vehicles that are allowed to remain on property after notification and are in violation of Ordinance 133.41 will be removed by the Health/Safety Committee at the owner’s expense.
Questions on this ordinance and its enforcement may be directed to Health/Safety Committee member Jeanne Rapp at 308-212-0148.